As organizations, both public and private strive to cope with increasingly complex global supply chains, where
commodities and components are purchased from all over the world, the procurement and supply chain process
activities starting with budgeting, procurement planning, specifications development, bid document preparation, bid
clarifications, bid opening, bid evaluation, professional opinion writing, award and notification, contract management and exit
are inefficiently performed thus increasing costs and losses to organizations.
The role of procurement extends far beyond the function of obtaining goods and services in response to internal needs. It
affects many other aspects of a company and is one of the functions that makes everything else run smoothly. Therefore,
optimizing procurement and the entire supply chain processes will save the company time and money as well as manpower.
In particular, this practical approach training has identified three key areas with cases studies on each which usually cause
challenges to buying organizations where procurement and supply chain could be improved to add significant value: