Membership Categories:
Student Category:
GPA will establish campuses in regions across the world mainly in partnership with leading learning and research centres. GPA will also have associate students who are not registered with GPA Campuses but are customers who will access learning and student support materials and services like coaching and mentoring in our centres. More details on these arrangements will emerge as we develop our capacities.
Alumni Category:
When you train or consult with GPA you earn a GPA Alumni Status. From that moment, we partner with you going forward. We keep our Alumni updated with our upcoming programs across our regional offices and offer them a chance to network with other professionals of similar career profiles. Our Alumni are also propose research topics and provide continuous insights into practical industry trends from across the world. GPA Alumni are often invited to our CPD and in-house workshops to show case their implementation experience for skills acquired at GPA workshops and confirm the measurable impact achieved at their work places.
Corporate Category:
GPA Advises and Consults for organisations in private, public, not for profit and development sectors to optimize the performance of their procurement and supply chain processes. These organisations may elect to become corporate members of GPA. Together, these corporate members became active participants in raising the standards of PSCM performance worldwide.
Associate Category:
From time to time GPA will partner with Industry Thought Leaders, Research and Learning Institutions in the PSCM space who will contribute to GPA’s objectives and programs in an Associate status. Such Association Status convers no ownership or shareholder responsibility in GPA to such luminary individuals and organisations. This is a vital membership category in our Global and Regional growth and expansion aspiration.
GPA will continuously work with like-minded organisations across the world to create a critical mass of network linked and enabled organisations. It is our Strategic intent to leverage existing expertise in providing solutions to PSCM challenges and take advantage of emerging opportunities for PSCM to facilitate trade and commerce across the globe.